Friday, July 24, 2009

My courses: descriptions, discographies, etc.

Music of the Americas
Music 400/Afro Am 400
Spring 2011. Undergraduate/graduate course offered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


Music, Aesthetics, and War after 9/11
Music 497
Fall 2010. Undergraduate/graduate seminar offered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Course description

History of Punk Rock: 1967-1984

This was a three-day mini course offered through UW-Madison's student union.

Course description

Jazz Sounds: Bop and Beyond

This was a five week mini course offered through UW-Madison's student union. Although I can't find the course description at the moment, I've uploaded the discography, which provides a general listening guide to all periods of jazz although it is heavily geared towards later developments.
